

Event Date: Monday, January 27, 2025
Arrival Time:
5:15 pm-5:45 pm
Arrival Location for All Families: Buondonno Forum - Consalo Dining Hall
GAME TIME! 6:30 pm

  • 611 Cedar Ave, Richland, NJ 08350

  • Arrival Location | Buondonno Forum - Main Entrance

    Late Arrivals Welcome!

  • Students will eat dinner in the Study Commons before being officially inaugurated into the most energized and loyal group of fans in New Jersey!

    Adult/Sibling guests will join our Head of School in the Dining Hall for a welcome and dinner before the game.

  • Is there a Dress Code?
    Families are asked to wear comfortable clothing!

    Does my son need to bring anything?
    No. We will supply each newly accepted Hermit with a white Richland Rowdie shirt!

    We mignt be a little late—is that ok?
    Absolutely. Please reach out to admissions@hermits.com if you expect to be late and we will arrange for a smooth arrival.

This special evening is sponsored by our very own legendary student fan base, the RICHLAND ROWDIES™.

The fun-filled event welcomes students, and their families, on campus for an evening that our newly accepted Hermits will never forget!

  • The Rowdies section will be wearing all white for an "Arctic Theme" in Richland. Our newest Hermits will all receive a white Richland Rowdies T-Shirt for the game. 

  • Students will be officially inaugurated into the most energized and loyal group of fans in New Jersey. Pizza, prizes, and a halftime shooting contest will take place for the students as well!

  • Adult/Sibling guests will join our Head of School for a welcome with refreshments and dinner (pasta, meatballs, salad) before the game.

  • Grandparents are welcome!