Placement Testing and Course Information Evenings

The next step, "on the road to the Prep," is taking part in placement testing. This program will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, and Tuesday, May 14th, at 6:30 p.m. You only need to attend one night (your choice—registration below).

While the classes of 2028 and 2029 take part in the placement testing, our parents and guardians will be treated to a course information session from our Dean of Academics, Mrs. Nancy McHugh P ’08 ’11 ’15, as well as members of our Academic, Counseling, and Student Services departments.

The course selection process will begin for all families after both placement testing and course information evenings are complete—much more information will be shared during the information sessions.

This is also an opportunity to ask questions about tuition, busing, athletics, the lunch program, technology, etc. Cucinotta’s Corner (Campus Store) will be open from 5:45 PM until 8:30 PM.

Please email if you cannot attend and would like to schedule an alternate date to take the placement tests.

Exam Dates: May 8 & 14, 2024
Arrival Time:
5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Arrival Location: Buondonno Forum

Directions to Campus

611 Cedar Ave, Richland, NJ 08350 | Google Map

5:45pm-6:30pm | Arrival & Parking

Arrival Location | Buondonno Forum (1) - Main Entrance

We ask that all visitors park in Lots A, B, C, E, F (See Map).

6:30pm-8:00pm | Placement Testing & Course Registration

STUDENTS: Test takers will be escorted to our desiginated testing rooms which will be cleaned thoroughly in advance of the test.

PARENTS: Coffee, water, and snacks will be available from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Consalo Dining Hall. The School Bookstore will be open and all purchases will receive a 10% Scholarship Exam discount! Starting at 6:30 pm we will have a presentation by our Dean of Academics and our divisional heads.

FAQ's / Important Information

Is there a Dress Code? Families are asked to wear comfortable clothing!

Does my son need to bring anything for the exam? No. We will supply all exam materials.